If you win the rat race, you’re still just a fuckin rat.

Have you ever seen someone attractive and thought to yourself, ‘They’re a 7,’ and then you guys start talking and all of a sudden they’re way sexier, definitely a 10? Or the opposite, when you first see someone and they’re gorgeous, an easy 9 but then they open their mouth and speak and drop to more of a 5.5? My point is, it really isn’t just about looks anymore. Not your hair, your make-up, your outfit or your Loubou’s. That’s the easy shit and if you want to step your game up, you have to look at your image spherically. Let me explain…

Being sexy as fuck is about your attitude, the way you carry yourself and your demeanour as a whole. The way you present yourself is the way you feel about yourself. And believe me, we’re all as see through as a freshly polished window. This goes for women and men alike. Men don’t have as many options for the game of illusion as women do so they are more ‘see-through’, if you will. For women, it’s an endless magic show, but don’t kid yourself, you’re probably not as good at the game as you think. But if you learn to play the game of life on a scale of greatness you can use the game of illusions to highlight your strongest virtues. Everything is a game because it’s meant to be enjoyed. Life is meant to be fun! It’s not about dishonour and disloyalty, although many choose to play that way, there is a way to play for the benefit of all, for the greatness of humanity.

It’s important to take care of your body physically, and maintain your unique look to be physically attractive, but anyone can do that. What’s really important is that you hone your most positive and ego driven energy, especially when in social settings, and in public in general. This is all about having fun and looking good so you can feel good about yourself in general and see a creative world with endless possibilities in front you of.

To do this you have to understand on a foundational level what it is to be alive. You have to know every part of yourself so that you can understand that on this level we are all alike. We have the same basic needs sure, but we also have the same basic desires. We all need to feel loved and we will all go through a bunch of emotional fuckin’ turmoil in order to become stronger and grow, learning important things about life and people, ourselves included as we go.

You have to understand that there are different parts of your life, categories if you like, and they all need certain attention for you to truly feel fulfilled and love your life. It may differ slightly for some, but I believe most people will have the same categories with the same basic needs.

Professional/Business Life: This is the part of your life where you create and build in this world, where you help others become great as well, and where you acquire your wealth (whatever it means to be wealthy to you).

Social Life: Today your social life is not just for personal use, it is also a place where you network, not always for a profit but always for the overall success of the group. Let that sink in… and remember it when posting shit on social media and always mind the fact that once something has been published or posted, there’s no taking it back.

(If you’re the CEO of a massive company that you built you may not want pictures from high school  or your early 20’s circulating amongst your industry peers 10 years down the line. Just a thought.)

Personal Life: Your personal life is where you find fulfilment in all your desires. It is entirely unique to each individual and you will make the closest friends and ally’s when you find commonalities with others in this category. Desire is a very raw and very powerful energy that sets your soul ablaze. You cannot suppress it, it will not be contained, BUT it is a lot of fun when you learn to express it on all levels. Sex does not fall in this category, although dating does, for it is not social life but a social act that does not depend solely on sex. A subtle difference that once understood makes dating fun and entertaining as opposed to stressful and awkward. Good food, good music, good company. It’s getting to know someone on a personal level, and possibly letting someone get to know you on the same level. It can be very fulfilling it you think of it more as a social one on one, rather than an analysis of one’s ability to fit into your desires. Or even more stressful, your ability to fit into theirs.

Sex Life: Your sex life does not necessarily include dating. It doesn’t even have to include another person at times. This part of your life is about physicals needs and desires. There is so much expression to be had in your sex life for it is when you are your most primal. Call it instincts, call it lust, call it anything you like, it falls into one category, sex. You can go a year without having sex and still have a sex life. If you’re not having sex AND you’re not masterbating for a year, consult a doctor immediately!! There’s definitely something wrong with you! Haaa! All kidding aside though, you need to go within to figure this one out. No Doctor is going to be able to do this part for you. Take responsibility for the way your feel. It’s not as hard as you may think to fix yourself.

Go into your mind, dig deep and find your soul, find who you really are, what you really want. From your deepest, darkest desires to your everyday wants. You need to be very open and even more honest with yourself. There’s no one listening when you’re in your head, so get good and clear in there. If you’ve lost your sexual desire or you just don’t feel the electric energy in sex anymore, you need to change something. Take the time to figure out why you don’t feel the need to cum, to have that euphoric rush all through your body, and feel everything troublesome melt away after. I believe it’s a physical necessity like eating healthy and exercising. Physical release, or orgasm is a crucial part of your overall health and happiness. Not quite as essential as breathing or sleeping because you won’t die without it, but definitely important to the fine balance of fulfilment in life.

Love Life: Ahhh, amour. Now this is more connected to the other categories than all the rest. And it’s not just about that one partner we’re all looking for, or have found. There are many different levels of love. It has a scale all on it’s own, and so does lust but we’ll get into that later. You can have mad love for a good friend, and those people will build to be your inner circle, the one’s you call family.

The reason I say this category blurs the lines the most is because you can find every different kind of love in any other area of your life and it becomes part of this category in your life. I believe when you feel love for someone, anyone, it’ll forever be part of who you are. It’ll leave it’s mark on you, and you will learn and grow from it every time, no exceptions. Even if you were burned or the love ends in catastrophe, it’ll always have been there and you need to accept the fact that you don’t get to choose. Most people can’t even admit when they have love for someone because they can’t define it, or it’s reason for existing. Again, let me say, it is not a choice. Someone you find attractive isn’t a choice either, it just happens. You are attracted to what you’re attracted to, end of story, no explanation. That’s a rule in this game, and it’s one of the unbreakable ones. There is no free will here. Your free will is the choice to act on a feeling or not, so stop with the denial and fear of attraction and love on any level and start being grateful that it’s your choice what you do and don’t do. Period.

You can decide you don’t want to have love for someone because of any reason you like but it’ll decide all on it’s own when that feeling, that love ends. You can mind fuck yourself out of it, sure, especially if the connection has a really negative impact on your life, but you have to be real with yourself about it before it even has a chance to turn into a lesson. I will explain this a lot more in depth in the months to come. You can change the things you’re attracted to if you change the foundational level of the attraction, but you have to understand that it’s not a simple process. It is as complicated as changing who you are because it is part of who you are. You can’t fight yourself, it’s a waste of time, but you can improve yourself. Say you have really shit taste in people, friends and lovers both. You know they’re bad for you but you’re attracted anyways, usually very physically attracted, explosively even. You probably describe it like a drug addiction and you’re not wrong. You’ve decided to find certain things about this person attractive. You can change yourself so you don’t find those draining things so attractive anymore and this is why I’m going to get deeper into it. We could all use a little upgrade in the quality of people we get close to.

The sooner you get real about who you have love for and on what level you love them, you’ll make the important connections stronger and with the ease of detachment you’ll see the others fade away, all on their own.

It’s a fine game of balance allowing your desires to become categorized, and the endgame will always be your own satisfaction and fulfilment. You have to be brave enough to play the game. And I’ll tell you a secret, you’re in the game whether you realize it or not. Pons are the first to go, fleeting little blips that no one even bothers to remember. They have impact, sure, they’re the front lines and while someone has command and control of when and how they die, they’re just happy to be in the game, thinking to themselves they did something honourable and worth doing for the greater good. Pons, they’re a necessity forsure, but do you really wanna be one?

If you win the rat race, you’re still just a fuckin’ rat.

9 thoughts on “If you win the rat race, you’re still just a fuckin rat.”

  1. Reblogged this on ebinotti and commented:

    I’m going to start Monday Motivation off today with a re-read of a much earlier post about the different categories of our lives, and what it really means to clarify our desires, as well as live our lives fully and spherically.
    Check this one out, and later today I’ll be posting a second part to this, where we’ll be digging even deeper into the categories of life, and breaking down more about how you can shift and upgrade your attractions and desires.
    Leave comments below if you try to live spherically and categorize your life for maximum potential!



  2. I wrote something a while ago about the rat race and winning it, I never showed anyone though. I only tweeted an excerpt, this was over a year ago. And my tweet is your title, odd and highly unlikely but still possible since we do not know each other….But this is why I want to know who you are …Who is this woman who seems to be innately in my subconscious or who is this woman trying to seduce via the internet….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Now that is something I find very intriguing!

      I have never seen your tweet before, I don’t have a Twitter account personally or for my brand. I can see now why you are so curious. I assure you my name is of no importance but what an odd coincidence that is… Would you like to show me what you’ve written about the subject?

      It could be the start of a real conversation.



      1. No, its nothing at all. I like to play with phrases and sayings sometimes, and the “rat race’ metaphor came to mind; no one wants to be a rat, no one wants to be in this race….the mundane aspects of life. Stuff like that. But that’s just that one coincidence…

        Liked by 1 person

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