Tag Archives: Survival of the Fittest

Survival of the Fittest

It’s the year of wanting more. We can all feel it, as if it’s always been there and even though on some level we’ve always been conscious of the need and want for more in life, this year has it’s own energy working for us. It’s impossible to ignore, on a global scale we are pushing the boundaries and breaking the mould of our comfort zones.

On a global scale we are more willing to try new things, to uproot our entire lives and travel and even face the fears that have stood in our way for far too long. It is a year of merciless behaviour towards our dreams.

It’s not important what has gotten us to the breaking point and tipped the scales towards our belief in ourselves, at least not in this post. What is important is that this year we truly feel like we can achieve greatness. The ‘average’ person has a feeling that maybe, just maybe there’s something extraordinary within them and they simply need to move in the direction of greatness to achieve it. What a beautiful thing that is, that we can believe in ourselves enough to do something truly amazing in this lifetime, that there’s something within us that feels worthy of being called great, not necessarily for the recognition from others but from ourselves. We are more willing to follow the pull towards our deepest desires, and through the courage of moving in that direction we find open doors everywhere, getting us closer and closer to fulfilling our wildest dreams. Finding natural highs and happiness like we’ve never experienced before.

By the end of the year I want to be able to look myself in the mirror and feel unbelievably and unfathomably proud of myself. My achievements and my undeniable success in creating something in this world worth value will be my target, the way I measure my own personal success, define your own. I will make moves in many directions, and will keep this in mind always.

I don’t want to be known as great, I want to believe I’m great. I want to create something that makes the world believe in greatness again and not just the mediocrity of things as appalling as the American Dream being the peak of our hopes for success. No. Not me. And not you.

We will soar high above that type of normality and find new, more spherical ways of living our short lives in this state. Who knows what comes after this life? We can only guess, but I certainly wouldn’t bet all my chips on it being worth the wait. Never wait. And never fucking settle. Live your life to the fullest, to the ends of your imagination and back. Push your limits further than you ever thought you would, destroy your comfort zone, Fuck The Box. Together we might just have to courage and strength to evolve in this beautiful world.

It’s the Year Of The Beast, and it’s survival of the fittest.