Category Archives: year of the beast

2015: Wtf did your comfort zone ever do for you anyways?

Sexy isn’t about showing as much skin as possible, or even wearing skin tight clothes to show off your figure. It’s about accenting the parts of the body you feel are sexy in the moment. Mood is everything here. Everyday this can and will change. One day it can be your neckline and the next it can be your ass. For some people it might be their wrist, or their calves. Let this be entirely your own, and don’t be afraid to be unique.

In this image we see a casual and very well put together outfit that is beyond sexy! It’s not about the amount of skin she’s showing, it’s about how she clearly feels sexy in the clothes she’s in. She’s accessorized the look to take it from 0 to 100, real quick. And most importantly, it’s the way she carries herself. The way she stands, the way she looks at you, and the way she feels about herself when moving around in her day to day life. Our body language and posture say more about us than our words ever could because it’s a silent language that most people don’t realize they’re speaking, and even less people realize they’re interpreting, but we all speak it and we ALL interpret it.

To get good at this you don’t have to go to some finishing school where they make you walk around all day with a book on your head so your back stays perfectly straight and you learn to keep your shoulders back. In fact, it’s actually a lot sexier to slightly arch your back at all times, and it will keep your core muscles strong, and nip in your waist from keeping tension in muscles you might not be using that often.

High heels are also a very important part of her look. If she we were wearing flip flops or sneakers with this outfit it wouldn’t have nearly as much impact, or at least not as sexy an impact. It’s no secret that high heels on a woman lengthen the legs and keep the calf muscles engaged to keep your legs strong and toned. The real secret lies in your posture. When you wear high heels you have to be conscious of your steps and the way your entire body moves from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. I have and always will suggest that women LEARN to walk in heels. Yes, I said learn. It’s not a skill we are born with and while some women may find it easier to start walking in heels than others, it is still something that improves over time with practise. I was definitely NOT one of the women that found it easy, BUT I did practise and now have quite the strut, if I do say so myself. There’s nothing worse in the sexy style world than seeing a girl stomping around like a wounded horse. It’s appalling and we all inwardly cringe at the thought that we might walk like that.

Now, before I teach you about taking a simple outfit like this from 0 to 100, let’s start with the basics. Heels. Yes, I’m going to make sure you have a catwalk worthy strut before I’m through with you. Even if you never decide to stomp around the city (or small town) in a pair of Louboutin’s, I’m going to make sure you know how. This will drastically improve your feeling of being sexy. Trust me. And then, if ever there comes a day where heels are the only appropriate choice for footwear, you won’t panic and have an anxiety attack because no one has ever seen you wear anything ‘fancy’ so they spend the whole day analyzing your every move to see how awkward you are in evening attire. You’ll walk around like a natural, sexy woman, and you might even like it so much you decide to do it more often.

What I did to improve my strut (in and out of stiletto’s) was simple. I would walk around my apartment for as long as I could without letting my heel touch the floor. It doesn’t matter how high you can hold your heel off the floor in the beginning, but it does matter how you walk. Pay attention to the difference in how you carry yourself when pretending to walk in heels. There’s no one around to judge you so let the sexy come out. This is a safe environment to get your sexy on! At first your muscles will protest, you may even cramp up at times. Stretch it out and keep going. Time put in is going to determine your outcome, so I’m not going to give you some, do this 20 minutes 3 times a week bs. Just do it, often and the changes in your walk and overall posture will speak for themselves.

Step two is even simpler, put those shoes on! Find the sexiest pair you’ve got and strut around for as long as you can. Even while you clean, or cook, or read a book on the couch, keep them on and stay aware of the fact you have on a pair of stilettos. Don’t use wedges or chunky heels, use to skinniest, highest arch you’ve got and really strut it out. This is beginner stage stuff so don’t worry too much about stomping around like a horse. Just keep practising. Mirrors are you best friend here. Watch yourself. Look at the way you stand, and how you take steps. PRACTISE!

Try this at least once a week, more if you can manage. And if you don’t have the shoes, get your ass to a store and buy some. If you’re in Canada, Spring is a great choice if you’re on a budget. You can get a sexy pair of heels for easily under $50. It’s an investment is your overall satisfaction and therefore happiness, I recommend splurging if you can! Oh, and while you’re at it, grab some red lipstick, or even a darker shade, like cranberry or plum. Very sexy this season! Again, you can keep it behind closed doors for now, so don’t be shy. Step out of your comfort zone here. Wtf did your comfort zone ever do for you anyways?