Tag Archives: dreamer

Weekend Vibes: I Find Comfort In Uncertainty

My secret today isn’t laced up with all things sexy, unless of course you have enough of a mind to find intelligence and logic sexy… like me. No arrogance here, just a bit of fun. Besides, I gave you a gorgeous behind to scroll up and visualize if you’re craving sexuality. To me, the sexiest thing I could ever achieve is glamorous success. To have my cake and eat it too, in the most unconventional way possible, for that is me, and that is what I desire.

I have done everything I preach on here to do. I have laid out and clarified all my desires, I believe in what I want and why I want it, and I’m making strategic and confident moves towards my goals everyday. You have to be grateful for where you are at this very moment, or slowly (and sometimes very quickly) you have to watch everything you ever took for granted slip through your fingers… lost to the past.

I’ve always believed I could imagine my future into existence, or simply put, that I could have anything I desired. I always believed that since I was a little girl. I understood that the big picture will always be the only thing that mattered, but it’s hard sometimes to be alone in a thought with as many options and possibilities as that, endless really, limitless.

So how did I know I could have anything I ever wanted, what lead me to believe it? I was so young when I thought it, knew it for the first time. I maybe be a Pisces and a dreamer by nature, but it’s not my frivolous, and unmatched ability to wonder and imagine that got me into believing anything was possible. Believe it or not, it was the logical and realistic part of my brain that brought me to the inevitable conclusion that no one can prove otherwise, so why the hell not believe in the impossible?!

It sure makes life a lot more exciting! And if no one can prove that it’s impossible, then there’s no need to think otherwise, realistically. If it makes you happy to believe something is possible and potentially makes the world a better place to prove it, then I say go for it!

If there really is a reason for each and every one of us, a true purpose for the greater good then I say that’s probably the closest you’ll ever be to yours, in that very moment when you decide to believe in something everyone else thinks is impossible may be possible only for you even… then you’re really onto something.

Your belief in yourself, in your ideas, will gain momentum and you’ll destroy all barriers you previously held as limits. Gone. Forever. You’ll feel power and freedom like you’ve never even imagined and you’ll start to vibrate differently in this world. You’ll attract things and people differently. Your life will change so quickly you’ll hardly notice how far you’ve come, which is why I think it’s crucial that you vibrate through appreciation and gratitude as often as you can manage it. It will help you keep balanced when the height your new found wings takes you soaring so high you fear the inevitable balance of a low. They say what goes up must come down right? So balance yourself out before the downward plunge, humble yourself or have karma do it for you. As always, it’s your choice.

Life is all about balance, we all know this, but how often do we implement it into our daily lives? Do you think about your own balance and the balance of the world, the balance of the universe with every move you make, no matter how mundane? You should, if you don’t. Keep that big picture in mind, keep your awareness sharp and focused and with that in place you’re free to have some real fun. You can create miracles, mediocre and epic alike. You’re free to play with magic. Real magic. Can you imagine that?

These ideas, these theories aren’t going to be anything new for a lot of people but if they’re new to you, my only advice right this minute is try to keep an open mind. No, actually my advice is think about it. Really think about what I’m saying to you… Is it the most illogical thing you’ve ever heard? Isn’t it mildly intriguing?

It isn’t really a secret anymore, The Law Of Attraction, stating simply that you create your world as you go along by attracting things to you as a magnet does. It’s actually quite a simple concept but for some reason, even the best of us have been moulded and tainted enough to find is so difficult to believe that we can have anything we desire.

I’ll tell you now, nothing is too grand, nothing is out of reach for you. I don’t care who you are or where you come from, you can have anything you desire. Once you start to feel this on a deep and foundational level within yourself, you’ll know there’s no need to be anxious or worried, you will find comfort in the uncertainties of this game we call life. It’s a journey and one hell of a ride… if you make it. It’s your choice. One day, when this is all at it’s end, you’ll know that.

Don’t wait until that moment to learn it. Trust your heart, trust your logic. Believe in yourself, and make magic happen. You got this. I’m with you. We’re looking for all the hedonists out there… the people who have lifted the veil, or at least peeked…  the ones who want to make a real difference and want it to be an extraordinary and luxurious journey… this life.