Tag Archives: expression

We will not be silenced (unless there’s a safe word involved)

I can hardly find the words to express to you how important it is to have your own space to be comfortable in and be yourself. Even if you have a roommate or a family, you must designate time to be alone and in your own space so you can dig deep within. Then all the internal dialogue and turmoil that naturally builds up in life will quieten and you can truly begin to express yourself, for yourself.

Sexiness is one of the most joyful feelings because it’s all about the confidence that comes from loving yourself, truly loving yourself for who you are. The ego is part of our make-up, it’s part of our desires and who we are. If you ignore it, the energy will come out in ways you might not be entirely happy about. If you listen to your ego, if you feel the self and energy within you then you can diffuse this energy in a very positive and very uplifting way in your life. To attempt to silence the ego is to deny a part of yourself that lives regardless of what you decide to think. When it decides to lash out because you can only bottle natural energy for so long you can call it subconscious all you like, but I promise you there’s a choice there. And for those of us in the world who have become aware of it and use the energy to our benefit, it’s only too obvious to us where you stand with your ego. Denial.

I love my ego because I believe it’s the part of us as human beings that makes us unique. Nobody else on the planet has the same desires and feelings that I do in the same patterns that they express themselves in my life. We all have common emotions, but the timing of the need to express them is entirely unique to each of us.

When I’m in my personal space, I strip down to my panties and tie up my tank top so I can see myself in the mirror as I stretch and practise breathing deeply. You should love your body, even if it isn’t exactly how you want it to be. That is also a choice, and we’ll get there soon enough, together. But I believe the internal struggle, the honest mentality behind our actions is the place to start, at least in this day and age with the majourity of females.

See, by having a healthy sense of respect, it will show in the rest of your life by the way you allow people to treat you and give you attention and also by the way you treat people and give them your attention. The amount of ways this will change your life for the better is limitless. Energy attracts more energy of it’s like, so please understand, it is a simple truth that you are what you attract. Feel the responsibility, but don’t panic, you are not alone.

Especially as a woman this is very important. Not just for you, but for society, and young women in generations to come. We set the ground work for these young girls. They look to us to decide what they like and how they want their lives to look. The responsibility to grow and improve and make the world a more enjoyable place to live is all of ours, that is why I’m writing this blog. I want to do my part in sexual expression and overall happiness. It’s simple really, I love sex, as I’m sure 99% of people do, but I also think there is a serous misconception about what it is to be a sexy woman in today’s society. And I’m just talkin first world problems here… you can imagine the deep routed issues with women and sexuality in other societies where women have no rights to express themselves. Appreciate where you come from if you have these freedoms, and recognize that there are many, MANY who do not.

It is our responsibility to respect ourselves and express ourselves for who we are. We will not be silenced, we will not be told what we can and cannot wear, say, do, or be.

To feel sexy is to be sexy in our day to day lives. To look sexy is to express that feeling to the world. Let it come from within and make sure it’s for your own self confidence and happiness and not just for attention and recognition from others. It’ll never bring you the happiness that you desire otherwise.