Rules of Running A Roster: The Conclusion.

Part One: My thoughts about sex have never been ‘normal’ but they have always been honest.

I remember when I was in high school, how ready I was to have sex, how badly I wanted to taste all the pleasures I had seen. I wanted to experience for myself what it was like to be so consumed by a man that I couldn’t help but scream out in total pleasure.

I knew what an orgasm felt like, but I wanted… I needed to know what it was like to have one caused by another. I needed to know what it was like to cause such a peak of pleasure in another.

I had no intention of being with one man my entire life, I wanted to taste them all. I wanted to experience all different kinds of love making, and casual sex, and primal fucking… and experience things I couldn’t even fathom in my youth. I wanted to taste seduction.

I didn’t feel guilty about that until I started having sex and getting involved with guys, and like I’ve hinted at in the past, I learned a lot of lessons the hard way. Hurting people and making huge mistakes that I would’ve regretted if I believed in regret.

But why regret something in life? I’ve never killed anyone, and you can’t live a full life without ever hurting a single soul, even by accident, so I learned. I learned and I put rules in place for myself so I could get what I wanted and not cause any damage. I wanted to take, I wanted to take so much… but I was fully willing to give as much as I demanded. So I strived to find my balance.

I was a loner most of my life, a very social loner. I lived in my head most of my late teens, never needing anyone to agree or even understand me in order to move forward with my desires. I was always at parties and social gatherings, but I made sure to spend an equal amount of time alone with my thoughts and my own energy.

I realize not everyone has that in them, but my spirit has always been fiercely independent. My mother taught me that, and I suppose I was never really alone because she was always there when I needed her.

Again, I realize, not everyone has that. Which is why I decided to start this blog. I want everyone to have someone. So I’m here, with you, for you. Anything you ever need to be understood in, I will be here for you.

Especially as a woman, I think it’s crucial to our evolution that we stand together in our desires and substantial needs. The media and celebrity culture we’ve created today are completely changing the way women are viewed sexually. And don’t get me wrong, it’s not all bad. I think it’s great that women have the choice now on how far they take their sexual exploits, but we have to keep clear in our minds what we want in order to remain in control of our lives.

You can’t give into someone else’s opinion of you and your actions and then complain because you’re not being treated with the respect you need. Take the reins and mould your own perception and persona.

You are responsible for you own emotional stability, so you have to be clear with what you desire. You can do anything you like in this world and still respect yourself as long as you know in your heart, and keep clear in your mind what it is you’re doing, you will never lose the value you hold for yourself. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks of you, and what you do with your life isn’t up to them.

I understand though, what it’s like to be shunned, to be labeled as something you don’t see in yourself, especially when you’re sleeping with a variety of guys. It’s not always easy, but nothing worth doing is.

My advice to you on this front is simple, keep your private life, private. Your personal life is separate from your private life. You can share your personal life with anyone you choose, but choose wisely when you speak about your private life. Especially your current private life. You may think you have a tight inner circle, and time will tell, but regardless, always protect yourself when opening up about these thoughts, desires, and actions.

There’s only a subtle difference between what’s personal and what’s private, and I can break it down for you easily enough. Personal is what makes you unique, your taste in men for example. Private is what can cause you damage or stress if it gets out, like who you’re currently fucking.

Even if you completely trust the people around you, be aware when you’re speaking on things that can damage relationships. First, ask yourself if you really need to talk about it, why you’re talking about it. To share a story? Ok fair enough, just don’t ever let it be because you need the justification of it. You’re giving away too much power if that’s the case and the fact that you need justification should be a red flag, for real, for real… Keep it to yourself. Go internal if you have to. Break it down in your mind.

Do like I do, start a journal. Talk to yourself, talk to the universe, but don’t ever… EVER speak your secrets to another. If there’s private things you discuss between you and someone you fuck, don’t talk that to anyone. Even if you know the stories will never get told. It’s not right to share those intimate secrets, even with your closest friend.

That’s the intimacy between you and someone you’ve laid with, and if you want to keep that strong, then keep that secret, keep it private. Put it in the vault, and never let it out. Even if your lover fucks up and speaks your secrets to another, keep strong to your values and keep your shit to yourself. That’s how you attract your like. Live on another level and watch people rise to meet you there, watch your equals come into your world and surround you. Be the change you want to see in the world. I love you all and I hope you enjoy my musings as much as I enjoy sharing them with you. It’s going to be a big couple months to come, I have so much in store for you!

With that being said, I’ve got some majour outsourcing to do to bring you guys Pt.2 of the Conclusion for Rules of Running A Roster, and I want to hear from you!!! I want to know exactly and fully what you think about the rules, and how the ideas I put forth make you feel about your own sexuality. Damn, I even wanna hear from you if you think I’m crazy, or if you’re crazy. I like a good nut job as much as anyone, so don’t be shy… tell me what’s on your mind!! Here’s some questions if you’re at a loss for where to start.

Do the rules make sense to you?

Do you think a woman can successfully run a roster?

Have you ever tried to set some rules or moral guidelines for yourself to be more successful in your sex life?

If you fuck consistently, different men, what’s your number one concern about keeping the peace?

Do you love to fuck as much as I do?

Lastly, I wanna know… do you believe in undying love?

Your loyal friend,


10 thoughts on “Rules of Running A Roster: The Conclusion.”

  1. This is your best by far. Your private life shouldn’t cause you any unexpected stress or damage in general, there are certain risks you take playing this game. Equilibrium is reached when your private life can not and will not do you harm cause damage or stress, as well as personal life. That comes with the aid of one other partner not a roster. 5,10, 20 men doesn’t matter how big or small your team they exist solely for ego and that goes for men and women. When dealing with multiple people no one person gets to see who you really are, just a glimpse of you. Of who or what you want them to see of you. Or what side of you they are comfortable with…. You can never be loved by a man if you never show him who you really are. You from the back isn’t you….its a side of you. Being inside you is not knowing you inside out. But it depends on what you want. What type on bonds are you trying to create if any…

    No such thing as successfully running a roster. It’s your vagina/dick to use as you please.
    Honesty for the next two.
    I’m not sure if you like to fuck or you just like new things…including dick. But yes.
    Love doesn’t die.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As usual, you have a very strong sense of your opinion and I can respect that. We may not agree on everything here, like running a roster successfully, but I suppose that one comes down to our own ideas of success more than anything. Again, I respect your opinion and I appreciate you taking the time to read and express your thoughts on this.
      Thank you.



      1. Yea. Yea. A roster for a woman is an exercise in futility. Any woman can walk outside and decide to fuck a man…so fucking x amount of men in a week or day means what? What have you accomplished. You successfully fucked every guy you wanted. Period. Their feelings on who you fuck is of no consequence to you or the equation. So again, what have you done? So because your idea of undying love has escaped you this far, you will take a piece of that from as many men as you possibly can…and that makes you a feel loved even if it leaves you only for you to recapture again with another. Strictly a game of insecurity, but you’re good at it so it instills a false sense of confidence in you. Never fully revealing yourself from fear of rejection. You only offer what they want. And reciprocate gladly it’s nothing of you to give of your body. You decided that was the playing field a long time ago. If undying love was your desire or even a priority then you would be far more prudent with your liaisons. My 2 cent.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ok, I think this is important because a lot of people think just like this.
        I’m gunna get personal here and tell you my feelings on running a roster. I think it’s generally done as a stroke to the ego for sure, but I think there’s something more seriously deep rooted in the desire to sleep with more than one man or woman without the intention of committing or becoming more seriously involved with any of them.
        People assume that sex and love are always connected, but i have never felt that way. I believe you can feel an attraction, a physical attraction to someone you’ll never want to be with. It’s not because they aren’t good enough for you, or they don’t fit into some box you’ve made, it’s just not a good fit BUT there is still something there. Just because there’s no potential for a committed, monogamous relationship doesn’t mean there isn’t still soemthing special there that should be explored.
        Is it really so horrible to think that friendship and sex as the only relationship to be had are the simple product of insecurity and fear. If anything I think a more obvious act of fear would be not exploring the attraction because it doesn’t fit into your version of undying love. So what?
        Like, I’ve said before, I separated love and sex at a very young age, before I even brought anyone into my sex life.
        And I would never say that someone I’m fucking’s feelings or emotions are of no consequence to me. That’s the whole point of these rules, if you read into what I write you’ll see that. This isn’t a game played to trick or mislead someone into doing something for selfish reasons. It really is for the betterment of relationships.
        I want people to be happy in their day to day lives, even if they don’t have what they desire, deep deep down, like undying love. It’s about not being afraid to accept where you are in your life, and what you desire.
        This comes down to pleasure. I believe in a life of pleasure and freedom to taste all that you desire.
        It’s my body, and I would never feel that giving my body to someone is nothing, and I would never be with someone who felt that way when they experienced me. Of course, we can be wrong about our perception of someone’s intentions and you can learn the hard lesson that not everybody is as good-hearted as we are, but that’s life, yuh know? You can’t control how someone is going to behave, but you can be smart, you can be intellectual and be real about what you want. After that, if just part of the game, and it should be fun. It should be something that makes you happy, and like I said, something that brings sexual satisfaction and yet adds another piece to the fulfillment of your desires as a whole.
        It’s sex, and it’s vulnerability, and it’s such a beautiful thing. The pleasure is extreme and so incredible.
        I think if more people were open to this concept being simply an honest confession of thoughts it would be a very different world. People wouldn’t be jealous or envious or feel the lack of love, or lack of a real partner to ride with…
        I duno, I could ramble here for hours it seems, but I hope this game you and anyone out there reading some more insight about the psychology behind running a roster. Really, it’s just a flashy name for something I think we all desire, especially when we’re young and are just trying to figure this whole game called life out.
        Werd. I love that you have such quick and interesting thoughts on this topic.



      3. I too have never associated love with sex. Two separate things. And as a man my experiences with women are not the norm. I get desire, sexual
        energy, and youth. I don’t necessarily agree with monogamy, but I do know what drives fucking multiple people for men and women. Your logic is flawed or a facade because ultimately you are too scared to go after you want or you have given up on it and this is your compromise to find your hasn’t space. The ladder makes more sense, given your pattern to equivocate with a stranger….


What are your thoughts?